All About Individual Obstacles in SSB GTO

All About Individual Obstacles in SSB GTO
25-January 2023...........

All About Individual Obstacles in SSB GTO

GTO (Group Testing Officer) Test is a two-day assessment process in which candidates undergo various tests. In these tests, the performance of candidates in the group, general knowledge of candidates, and ability to lead the group are assessed. GTO Test is conducted on the third and fourth day of the five-day SSB Process. In GTO Test, Candidates undergo the following tests within two days-

  1. Group Discussion
  2. Group Planning Exercise
  3. Lecturatte
  4. Progressive Group Task
  5. Half Group Task
  6. Full Group Task
  7. Command Task
  8. Individual Obstacles
  9. Snake Race

Individual Obstacle Test

The individual Obstacle Test is one of the tests in GTO. In the Individual Obstacle Test, Candidates have to cross 10 Obstacles within 3 minutes. Individual Obstacle Test is conducted to assess the Individual performance, stamina, and decision-making of candidates.

Rules of Individual Obstacle Test-

  • Candidates can start with any obstacle.
  • Candidates can complete the test in any sequence.
  • Candidates can repeat obstacles only after performing all obstacles.
  • Candidates can repeat obstacles infinite times within 3 minutes.
  • If You fall during any obstacle, repeat the obstacle again.

Obstacles in the Individual Obstacle Test

Burma Bridge: Burma Bridge is an obstacle in which two ropes are tied to two poles parallelly. Candidates have to walk on the lower rope by holding the upper rope and maintaining balance. The difficulty level of Burma Bridge is high.

Wall Jump: In this obstacle, candidates will have to climb an 8 ft high wall. Candidates should run to gain some momentum before jumping over the wall.

Jump Through Tire: Candidates will have to jump through a tire that will be tied above 5 ft. This is quite difficult for candidates. This task is not conducted in Army Entries.

Tarzan Jump: Candidates will have to swing like a Tarzan in this obstacle. Candidates will have to climb on a platform and swing with the help of a rope. Candidates are advised to hold the mid portion of the rope tightly for a successful jump. This obstacle is not part of Air Force Entries.

Double Ditch: Candidates will have to jump two ditches in this obstacle. The first ditch will be the size of 4✕3 ft and the second ditch will be 3✕3 ft. Candidates will have to jump the first ditch with the help of a rope and the second ditch without a rope. Candidates are advised to run to maintain sufficient momentum to cross both ditches.

Tiger Leap: Candidates will have to climb a platform and jump to catch the rope and climb down. The platform will be 9 ft high and the rope will be hung 4 ft away. Candidates are advised not to lose their grip to come down otherwise their palms will be injured.

Double Platform Jump: Candidates will have to jump from two platforms. The first platform will be 12 ft and the second platform will be 8 ft. Candidates will have to jump on the second platform from the first platform and then, they will have to jump on the ground from the second platform.

Rope Climbing: Candidates will have to climb 5 meters high rope. After climbing the rope, candidates should not lose their grip to come down otherwise their palms will be injured and they will not be able to perform in other tasks. This obstacle is not part of Army Entries.

Screen Jump: Candidates will have to jump over a screen. Candidates will have to run and jump from a platform to jump over the screen tied at some distance. Candidates are advised to run and maintain sufficient momentum to jump over the screen.

Drum Jump: Candidates will have to jump over a drum. The drum will be a size of 6 ft. It is a comparatively easy task for candidates.

Commando Walk: Candidates will have to walk on a narrow platform placed at a height of 8 ft. To walk on this narrow plank/platform, candidates will have to climb the ladder. On reaching the topmost point on the platform, Candidates will have to shout ‘Commando’.

Balancing Beam: Candidates will have to walk on the three zig-zag logs. It is very difficult to maintain balance on this obstacle so candidates should not waste too much time on this obstacle if they are not able to complete it.

How to perform better in the Individual Obstacle Test?

  • Do not waste too much time on a single obstacle.
  • Try to complete obstacles in a sequence.
  • Do not be afraid of the heights of platforms and the deepness of ditches.
  • Do physical workouts to increase your stamina and physical strength.
  • Try to complete as many as obstacles you can complete in the 3 minutes.

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