Gamechanger Fighter Aircraft Rafale Features

Gamechanger Fighter Aircraft Rafale Features
30-July 2020...........

Aircraft ‘Rafale‘ features

29 July, 2020 becomes a never-to-be-forgotten day in the history of India, day marked when the guardian of the sky, versatile, fighter, lethal aircraft Rafale Fighter Jet landed at Ambala Airforce Base inside India's border. The first batch of 5 Rafale fighter jets equipped with versatile missiles were made part of the Golden Arrows Squadron, on the auspicious day of the month of Saavan on 29 July, 2020.

The first consignment between India and France is 5 Rafael fighter jets has been carried out under the deal of 36 fighter jets. The 5 Rafale fighter jets  have two types of aircraft, 2 double seater and 3 single seater,of the total 36 fighter jets purchased from France, 6 will be two-eater, while the remaining 30 will be single-seater fighter jets.

The Indian Air Force named Rafale Jets as "Game-changer", "Beauty and the Beast", what is unique about Rafale that is able to double the strength of the Indian Air Force are numerous, lets know about them:

  • Rafale fighter jets manufactured by French aviation firm Dassault are specially made in 3 ways
  • First one seater ground (airbase) operated aircraft
  • Second two-seater ground-operated aircraft
  • Third one-seat aircraft carrier-operated aircraft used by the Navy
  • Features of two-seater Rafale aircraft:
  • Two-seater trainer aircraft will usually be used for training pilots
  • Their main aim is to give training and keeping this in mind they are made
  • First pilots will train Indian Air Force pilots on these aircraft and in the coming time the Air Force will train their new pilots with their help
  • The enemy cannot be saved from Rafael's unmistakable target.
  • If you talk about the pay load, the weight of the Rafale is 10 tons.
  • If it flies with missiles, it weighs up to 25 tons.
  • Rafale is equipped with stealth technology
  • It has the power to dodge enemy radar
  • It is also designed to fly over the Himalayas
  • Rafale can fly enough missiles with him
  • Meteor - Beyond Visual Range equipped with versatile missiles like Air-to-Air, Mica Multi-Mission Air-to-Air, and Scalp Deep-Strike Cruise
  • Scalp Deep-Strike Cruise Missile is also capable of ground-to-air hitting, Scalp has a range of about 300 km
  • Rafale is equipped with three single seater and two twin seater aircraft
  • Various India-specific modifications to the Rafale including Israeli helmet-mounted displays, radar warning receivers, low-band jammers, 10-hour flight data recording, infra-red search and tracking systems
  • Rafale aircraft has a carrying capacity of 9500 kg
  • It is capable of taking an extra 60 hours of flying with a maximum weight of up to 24,500 kg
  • Rafale is 15.27 meters tall and 5.3 meters high. Its fuel capacity is about 17 thousand kilograms
  • Rafale can fly at a speed of 2,223 km per hour, can reach a height of 60 thousand feet in one minute
  • Rafale's radar can detect 40 targets at a time within 100 km, allowing the Indian Air Force to see them without knowing the enemy aircraft


Equipped with reliable features, Rafale Fighter jets have been involved in India's security and fighting with great wisdom, which will benefit the Indian Air Force in the prescribed form.



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