Success Story of Abhishek Mishra Recommended for NDA July 2020

Success Story of Abhishek Mishra Recommended for NDA July 2020
21-May 2020...........

Abhishek Mishra Recommended for NDA July 2020 Batch From 1 AFSB


The competition offers participants the opportunity to challenge themselves physically andmentally to essentially cast their victory for themselves. With this positive beginning Jai Hind defense aspirants, my name is Abhishek Mishra from Raibareli qualified for NDA 144 course from 1 AFSB Dehradun.

Corona pandemic has drastically shifted various dimensions into disastrous and deteriorating level leading to unexpected deaths and socio-economic backdrops on national fronts. The same happened with me as well during my SSB Interview which could have resulted into something else if prompt and immediate steps were not taken by the central and state governments.On fifth day of SSB i.e. on 22/03/2020 our Hon’ble Prime Minister announced Janta Curfew which was a trailer of lockdown due to coronavirus.


Appeared twice for SSB, where on my first SSB of TES on 26th February I got conference out, it was a heart breaking moment for me but despite submitting into agony and delusion I found my mistakes and started working on them. Being Son of a farmer had instilled immense amount of inner strength and determination on me ever since my school days. My father Harigreev Mishra and mother Kusuma Mishra are proud parents today and they are on cloud nine to tell everyone about my journey and passion.

Second SSB of NDA was a challenge for me which arrived in a very short time gap that it followed within 15 days gap from 18 March to 22 March 2020. At this time I completely analyzed all the possible points through self – introspection.

Small town lad with brave heart and courage with inspirational stories of brave martyrs, the disciplined life of armed forces, the sense of integrity of armed forces have motivated many fold to joined the Indian Armed Forces. Clear headed mind and family support landed me to join the best defence coaching in India. The continuous search and suggestions of my friends and well wishers brought Centurion Defense Academy to my list. Joined Centurion Defense Academy in June 2019 to prepare for NDA written plus SSB, worked hard toqualify my written day-night and fortunately cleared it in my maiden attempt.

Clearly sure that I am going to clear written exam and without a further delay started preparing for SSB. In SSB preparation team Centurion helped, especially Shishir Sir (Air Veteran& Founder Director of CDA)who trained me for psychology and interview part. He told me the basics of psychology test,gave invaluable tips and took my mock interviews five times and completely helped me in excelling this part in SSB. Screening, English communication and Personality development catered under an expert of English- AdityaDubey Sir. Col Pramod (Retd), GTO Expert, upskilled GTO training and expanded horizons towards group performance and capabilities in GPE, Lecturate. He pointed the torch beam at the factual strategies in GTO i.e. how to lead, patiently listening views of group members, avoid arrogant behavior in group, team work, team effort, team spirit and most important true leadership within you.MajorNasreen Fatima (SqnLdrRtd) Ma’am, interviewed me and helped me to improve upon the qualities where I was lacking. The whole CDA learning experience was a treat for any learner who wanted sure success under expert guidance and motivation from the living legends of Indian Forces, CDA is the best place for living and achieving your dream.

Intense SSB preparation for two and half months, I went for first TES SSB where I got Screened-In but Conference Out. Took a deep breath did my homework and found out the reason of my rejection. Introspection there is identification and condemnation which I garnished into my plate for second SSB in a smooth way:

  • Identify problem
  • Explore options
  • Choose an Action
  • Visualize

Self-reflection is a humbling process. It’s essential to find out why you think, say and do certain things…. Then better yourself.When I was returning from my first SSB by bus, I noted down all my mistakes and weaknesses after introspection. I worked upon and improved them. Just after two and half weeks from my first SSBI had my NDA SSB on the way. This time I went more prepared, more confident and nailed it.

SSB journey is golden part of life where you come to know many people like you, some more qualified and legend in their field and high grade officers whom you get to meet during SSB.


Screening test:

Total 99 candidates reported first day and after basic documentation, we headed to OIR testing hall, we are briefed along with the answer sheets and OIR booklets.Solving OIR depends upon your mental sharpness and knowledge. If you have good knowledge and sharpness it just require to have a basic understanding and you will be able to make it. We got two booklets (one after one), each comprising 50 questions and the time given to solve was 33 minute for each. Solved about 46 to 47 in each booklet.


After this we were taken to another hall for story writing i.e. PPDT. The picture was semi hazy and wrote a short, simple and relevant story here relevancy matters a lot. In group for narration and group discussion round I narrated my story confidently with a happy face, tried to initiate the group discussion too, and took the opportunity to spoke logical points. Screened In with 58 other candidates.


Psychology test:

On the same day we faced psychology test where I wrote all the stories, attempted 57 WATs, 37 SRTs, and completed my SD in time.



This was the second day of testing and first day of our GTO. We were nine members in our group it started with GD. To be certain about GD round I initiated this GD and spoke logical points and stick to my answers in well versed form.

First topic we chose was "Sports are seeing a steady increase in India, Why?

Second topic was "One nation one election".

Next we had GPE leading to which we had PGT where our group performed exceptionally good because of the coordination and harmony among us. We completed all the obstacles and shouted the war cry "VandeMataram" during entire snake race. Just after this we had HGT and Lecturette with topic Globalization. I spoke confidently with good content and happy face about 2 minute 50 seconds. This was the end of the testing for the day.



Third day of testing and second day of GTOI was very happy with my performance in day one and day 2 came with Individual Obstacles, Command task and FGT, ended on a good note with everyone's coordination in group. This was the ending of day 2 of GTO.



Interview was scheduled on 4th day as instruction we got ready in formal, reached to room, and waited for my turn of interview. During interview, what you speak matters a lot because whole interview goes around it. The interview scheduled with Deputy President of the Board. Interview lasted for 1 hour where throughout the interview I remained calm, composed and answered every answer after thinking once.


On fifth day it was 22/03/2020 and our Prime Minister announced Janta Curfew which was a trailer of lockdown due to Coronavirus. So it was leave for everyone of us.We clapped in evening at 17:00 hours to appreciate the Corona warriors #salute corona warriors.


Conference day:

Conference day picked up with high josh and nervousness on everyone face and same was the case with me. It begin where he asked me normal questions like

How was my stay? Any suggestions?

What was the best part of my SSB?


I answered each question confidently. Then he said" Ok Abhishek you can leave now".


Finally after waiting for 2 hours, the moment came when DSO was coming having a sheet of paper in his hand and my heart beat fasten faster and faster .........Oh my God, Oh my God!

Total 10 got recommended and started calling out the chest number of recommended candidates one after other and finally came chest no...............40.


The face of my mother appeared in front of me and I recalled all her struggle for me.I thanked God.Just after recommendation, I immediately called my mother and Shishir Sir to tell them about recommendation.It was really an amazing experience and I wish you all who are aspiring for defense forces get the same. Jai Hind


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