Foreign Policy of India

Foreign Policy of India
19-September 2019...........


Foreign- a word so native to India!

In a time where seers prophecy a 3rd World War, genocide, throat- cutting competition and crime it becomes crucial to maintain amiable foreign connection. It’s all about survival of the fittest in today’s hostile world and its prerequisite lay in a great foreign policy. Not lagging behind, India has also drafted its foreign propaganda crucial for security and development.

Here is a bird’s eye view of the recent insights in India’s foreign policy:

Known by the alias Ministry of External Affairs of India (MEA), the Indian Foreign Ministry is a government committee cum organization that caters to India’s foreign relation. Shielding India’s economic and social issues is emphasized herein.

Subhramanyam Jaishankar is the current in- power foreign external minister.

Beginning from the reign of Chanakya to British rule, India always tried to pursue a reasonable foreign policy. However it was only after independence that India actually implemented a stringent foreign policy, thanks to the then P.M, Jawaharlal Nehru.

The aim is to establish a foreign regime to safeguard and promote India’s national interest and values which includes the A to Z of economy, land and culture.

Economy: Peddling to be a major global power, India is the 6th largest economy in the world. To accelerate and balance economy, India has started catalyzing markets, technology, linkages, personal mobility and foreign linkages.

As per the current policy, Prime Minister, Narendra Modi has laid emphasis on building partnership with U.S, Japan, and European Union. Additionally P.M Modi also paid visit to Bhutan, Japan and Nepal within 100 days of taking the headship apart from Myanmar, U.S.A, and Australia. As an outcome there is a surge in Foreign Direct Investment.

Another priority is to maintain harmonious or to say close relation with the P5 countries of U.N Security Council. P5 refers to the 5 permanent member states of the U.N. These include Russia, France, Britain, China, and U.S.A. Cooperation and stability with these places is our prime concern.

Not only P5 but also ASEAN countries, that is, places coming under South Asian surrounding are also aimed to get close to. It’s a continuation of the PM Narasimha Rao’s government plan.

Multipolarity, as opposed to unipolarity or bipolarity must be achieved immediately. It involves not only cultivating personal issue based plans but also entertain those by foreign countries.

The concept of multilateralism is also on verge to get reformed and refurnished.

Other arenas wherein the Modi government has invested focus is tourism, progressive diaspora, and promotion of national heritage.

Bi- dimensional, cross border educational exchange is the limelight of the upgraded Indian  foreign policy.

Geographical coast: India has been on geographical front since P.M, Narendra Modi came into power. China- Russia- U.S.A are now India’s lifetime partners, friends or foe that time will tell, but yeah definitely we are closely tied up. How? Let’s read further to answer that:

China: China nearly captured India in its silk road diplomacy but due to rising animosity India has opted out of the “one belt one road” project which might poses serious impact. Moreover the issue of Doklam and PoK has tensed the situation between India- China. To combat the issues India is laying its hand on the Indian Ocean Reach (IOR) scheme wherein our Prime Minister will connect with Mauritius, Sri Lanka and Seyechelles. Moreover Narendra Modi also initiated Mausam project in opposition to Chinese Maritime Silk Road Project with culture and trade as its focus.

Russia: Another ally of India, Russia is linked to India in terms of weather, science and military equipments. Prime Ministers of both the nation have often been seen meeting and connecting for enhancing bilateral ties.

America: Paid 4 visits, eased residential, travel and educational facilities, P.M Modi and Donal Trump have polished the India- America connection in terms of environmental sustainability, energy security and curbing terrorism.

Long story cut short, India has laid its red carpet for global friendship as well as build security ridges to defend the nation from threats. Proper execution would add the mandatory finishing touch.

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