How to prepare for the NDA written exam in 30 days?

How to prepare for the NDA written exam in 30 days?
03-August 2023...........

NDA- 2 2023 exam is scheduled to be conducted on 3rd September and there are hardly 30 days left for the NDA-2 2023 exam. NDA aspirants must be anxious about the exam because the NDA exam is highly competitive and they have to revise such a big syllabus in a very short period of time. Candidates must be thinking if it is really possible to crack the NDA exam within 30 days. In reality, it is not possible to qualify the NDA exam in 30 days, but there are some candidates who are already prepared for the NDA exam; they just need a proper revision. A proper revision can prove to be the last determinant factor of your NDA-2 2023 preparation. This article is aimed at helping you with the 30 Days Strategy for the NDA-2 2023 Exam.


NDA-2 2023 30 Days Strategy

This NDA-2 2023 30 Days Strategy is a scientific and practical strategy aimed at helping you with helping in qualifying the NDA exam. This strategy provides you with a subject-wise table. This timetable contains the subjects and the daily time allocated to the subjects. This strategy also updates you about what things you need to do and what things you should avoid during these last 30 days. Through this 30 days strategy, you will be able to properly utilize your full time. You just have to allocate your 8 hours daily on the preparation and you will be able to sail through this exam. But, During These 30 days, you have to ensure that you sleep for at least 8 hours. It is advised to candidates not to compromise on sleep as it negatively impacts their studies.


Daily Schedule During the Last 30 Days of the NDA Exam


                                  Last 30 Days Time Table for  the NDA-2 2023 Exam


3 Hours

General Studies and General Science

3 Hours


1 Hour

Mock Tests and Previous Year Papers

30 Minutes


Mathematics is one of the most important parts of the NDA Mathematics paper. So, it is very important to allocate proper time for mathematics. During these 3 hours, candidates have to memorize formulas and keep practicing for mathematics. General Studies and General Science is another one of the most important parts of the NDA GAT paper. In this section, candidates have to prepare for the lengthy sections such as history, geography, policy, physics, chemistry, and biology. Candidates have to allocate at least 3 hours for this area. English is also a major part of the NDA exam so candidates can not afford to miss this area also. During their whole day, candidates should give at least 1 hour for English also. Previous Year Questions are equally important. You have to allocate at least 30 minutes for the previous year's question paper and mock test also.


Last-Minute Tips for the NDA-2 2023 Exam


We are sharing some last-minute tips for the NDA-2 2023 Exam.


Be physically and mentally prepared- As the NDA exam includes a physical test, you need to be physically fit. So, do some physical exercise and stay hydrated. Also, try to stay calm and composed during the exam.


Sleep well before the exam- Make sure you have enough sleep before the exam day. A fresh and alert mind will help you to perform better.


Don't start studying anything new- Avoid starting anything new during the last-minute preparation. It will only confuse you and create unnecessary pressure.


Revise your notes- Go through your notes and revise all the important topics. Focus on the subjects which you find difficult and try to understand the basic concepts.

For details you can watch this video:


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