How to Speak on Any Topic Without Preparation

How to Speak on Any Topic Without Preparation
25-June 2021........... 3 Comment(s)

Some people follow footprints whereas some make footprints. If one wants to lead, it is important to get ready with those prerequisites which eases the process and enhances productivity. Opportunities are to be utilized in one’s portfolio as it keeps us moving on the path of success. We often get such invitations to be on the stage and share our views without any preparation. Although one should spend quality time in crafting one’s speeches but these chances also add a lot to our experiences. Now when we are asked to be on the stage and we are not ready with the content and mindset, it becomes a challenging task due to the following thought process that comes up at the same moment.


Getting surprised when name is called suddenly.

This is the point where expressions and thoughts are to be managed. There can be a self-counseling session too where one can think of such opportunities. How important these opportunities are! Once you realize that these opportunities play a vital role in one’s move towards impression management. Develop it with some more practices. In the beginning one can practice with siblings or with parents. One should understand the mode of practice should be with beginners only not with practitioners. Slowly this habit gets developed and more inclination and comfort is found with advanced platforms too. One should see one’s quick response in friendly discussions, family discussions, junior’s counseling and many more. When your name is called to come on the stage, one should see that it is just the beginning of such discussions. Many more things are to be added in the discussion by you. Instead of getting surprised feel that immense pleasure on your face that you being blessed with a great role. Really when mind is ready to proceed, actions are really fruitful and glaring.


Anxiousness about the outfit

When mindset is there to go and perform, one should avoid a lot of settings in the present look and feel. Why to go to the stage while setting one’s dress part, setting hair and rubbing face to bring readiness in look and feel. Instead of all this I can thank the person who has invited me and can move to the stage showing gratitude to the audience. The attention level of audience makes a presentation more than the best. One can speak confident when one’s views are valued and you need to be attentive for the same. From your place to the stage, you may do this and bring new vibes of thoughts you are going to share with them.


How to get views on a topic without any preparation?

This is often a matter of thinking for prompt speaker and it should be as it is the base of overall presentation. Getting views on a topic is based on the analysis of the scenario and bringing that in your words in order to convince others. It requires one to get associated with the situation and churn out the points of projection. In most of the cases, we find it easily if we have taken up some cases in our practical approach. Here one should think the situations where you came up with a prompt reply in others spheres of life. Giving views on general topics like education system, our country’s foreign policies, corruption, leadership, sense of integrity and many more. Here one has collected views on the basis one’s own rumination. A simple question of self analysis can make it possible i.e. “WIIFM (What is in it for me?)”.

Wherever one finds it difficult to know a topic, its just the way it is connected with you in present situation. Natural views have their lucrative projection.


How to arrange steps for effective presentation?

All successful people are applauded their synchronization of steps. It is true that channelization of steps play a significant role which somehow adds promptness in performance. To the point approach has clarity and it develops clairvoyance in the audience. One must think how listeners can grab all this? What can be their order to get the content? This requires creativity and a sense of humor too. One must place in listener’s state to have clear order of the same.


Here in this article, I am going to share a trick SCPOC to have get ready for extempore. The situation can be any you may utilize these common steps to develop this ability. If you get connected with the steps mentioned below, don’t fail to give edge of practice to it. Do share your experiences and feedback of tips in the comment box of this article. You may also get in touch with all notifications with our telegram group. To join it just search by the keywords “English ByAdityaDubey-Defence Guru”


  • Introduce the Scenario.
  • Ensue Your Connectivity with the scenario
  • Present cases
  • Your Observations
  • Conclusion

Occasion itself is the beginning of narration. Show your gratitude to the anchor for such a great opportunity and begin with the description of the present occasion. This will surely orient listener’s attention as they are also there for the same. talk about its importance, historical background if known to you and add some poetic lines for more voluptuousness. Speak with normal rate of speech with natural intonations. Have smile on your face and feel valued, honored that you are going to express your opinion on it. To connect with the audience just have open ended questions and wait for their response too. Involving audience in your content, makes it quite exciting. Giving examples of inspirational personalities brings more fascination in it. Do applaud for the one who shares reply. Take up the present cases with known facts. It adds more quality to the description. Share your observations as they have uniqueness. Do conclude the topic gracefully and confidently the way you began. Remember to have a meaningful and notable conclusion rather than just showing expressions of conclusion. Practice levels will surely make you feel the phases of improvement.

Best wishes for extempore!





Aditya Dubey
HOD English
Centurion Defence Academy, Lucknow


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