10 Mistakes That SSB Candidates Should Avoid in GTO

10 Mistakes That SSB Candidates Should Avoid in GTO
12-May 2023...........

10 Mistakes that Every SSB Candidate should avoid in GTO

SSB Interview or service selection board is known for its tough selection process and it is considered to be one of the toughest selection processes in the world. The difficult selection process and complexity of the tasks make it even tougher. GTO is one of those tasks which is feared by many candidates because it includes both indoor and outdoor tasks. Often many candidates commit mistakes that become the cause of their rejection in the SSB. In this article, we are going to tell you about 10 mistakes that every SSB candidate should avoid in GTO. These 10 mistakes are related to both indoor and outdoor tests of GTO.


The GTO test in the Services Selection Board (SSB) is designed to assess the candidates' leadership, communication, stamina, physical fitness, and team-building skills. The GTO test is conducted over a period of 2-3 days and consists of a series of indoor and outdoor group tasks such as Group Discussion, Group Planning Exercise, Group Obstacle Course, Individual Obstacle Course, Lecturette, Command Task, Half Group Task, Full Group Tasks, and Individual Obstacles Test.


10 Mistakes Which Should be avoided in GTO


The GTO test is designed to evaluate the candidates' overall personality, leadership qualities, physical fitness, and ability to work in a team, and candidates should strive to perform their best in all aspects of the test. But there are certain mistakes that candidates should try to avoid at any cost. Because these mistakes may become the cause of rejection.


10 Mistakes Which Should be avoided in GTO are the following:


  • Do not try to copy or paste preconceived knowledge- During Group Discussion, Do not try to force your opinion. Your aim should be discussion and reaching a conclusion.


  • Do not remain idle and wait for opportunity- Whenever you get a chance, you should act like a leader and take the initiative. You should not remain idle in any task.


  • Do not reject others' ideas- In group discussions or during any task, you should risk others' ideas and try to incorporate them into the task.


  • Do not feel discouraged- you may not be able to do some tasks in GTO, but it is totally fine. You should not feel discouraged, and focus on the next task. You should understand that it is overall performance that matters.


  • In outdoor/physical tasks do not be reckless- some candidates become reckless and start performing tasks in an aggressive manner. It is not considered good by GTO and it may cause some injuries as well. That’s why it is important to perform every task of GTO in a calm manner.


  • Do not give up easily- there will be many tasks that will be made tough deliberately. You should not give up and keep trying.


  • Do not overeat - before coming to GTO Ground, you should never overeat because it will cause difficulty in performing tasks.


  • Do not be over-smart- you should not act over-smartly during any task. You should respect others' opinions. You should always try to present facts during the discussion and always be polite while presenting your opinion.


  • Do not be aggressive- being aggressive is the biggest mistake that many candidates often make. Candidates should understand that the SSB Board wants to select a potential officer. And aggression can never be a characteristic of an officer.


  • Do not wear tight clothes- as you must be aware that GTO includes many outdoor tasks which require physical effort. Tight clothing becomes an obstruction in performing those physical tasks. That is why it is recommended that candidates should wear loose clothing and fit shoes.


These were 10 mistakes that every candidate should try to avoid during GTO Tasks. Some of these mistakes are major mistakes that should be avoided at any cost. Candidates should understand that GTO Tasks are conducted to study your group's behavior. In the GTO, it is the task and how you perform that actually matter and in every condition, your task and group should be the top priority, not you.


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