AFCAT 02/2020 Result
AFCAT 02/2020 result declared for the exam conducted of AFCAT 02/2020 from 3rd, 4th and 5th October. Exam experienced huge rush of AFCAT aspirants who arrived on three days all over Indian in various centers. Indian Air Force on official website of AFCAT released AFCAT-II-2020 RESULT, candidates can CHECK the result at its official website.
AFCAT 02/2020 Cutoff 155 |
EKT Cutoff 40 |
Official Announcement on 20th October: “AFCAT 02/2020 result have been declared and are available for viewing through individual login. The AFSB date and venue selection option is available to successful candidates of AFCAT 02/2020. Candidate can choose date and venue from 11 AM 21 October, 2020 to 11 AM 25 October, 2020. The date and venue will be allotted by system to those who do not choose the venue and date by 11 AM 25 October, 2020. Call letter will be available soon for download after choosing date, venue and filling bank details for travel allowance.”
Indian Air Force RESULT for the Air Force Common Admission Test (AFCAT) to select Class-I Gazetted Officers in Flying and Ground Duties (Technical) are OUT.
For complete details visit Indian Air Force official website:
The Air Force Common Admission Test (AFCAT) is conducted by the Indian Air Force twice a year in February and August/September, respectively, but this year due to Coronavirus outbreak various exams throughout the season has been postponed and rescheduled. Now the wait ended AFCAT-II-2020 result declared appearing candidates hurry up to CHECK the AFCAT RESULT.
AFCAT-II 2020 Selection Procedure
Online Registration
AFCAT-II- 2020 |
AFCAT-II-2020 Dates |
Release of notification |
10-June-2020 |
Application form |
15-June-2020 |
Last date to apply |
14-July-2020 |
Exam date |
03-Oct-2020, 04-Sept-2020 and 05-Oct-2020) |
Admit Card |
15-Sept-2020 |
- AFCAT-II-2020 application form is released online on the official website.
- A total of 256 vacancies have been announced for AFCAT-II-2020.
Result Announcement
AFCAT-II-2020 Result is announced online on 20 Oct, 2020 at its official website.
- Candidates need to login into their account by entering email ID, password and captcha code.
- The result displays the qualifying status, section-wise marks, overall marks and cutoff marks.
On the basis of AFCAT result, candidates are called for AFSB Interview.
AFSB Interview
Candidates declared successful in the AFCAT exam are called for AFSB Interview. The interview comprises two stages.
Stage I: Officer Intelligence Rating Test and Picture Perception and Discussion Test will be conducted on the Day 1. Screened in candidates go to next level i.e. Stage 2
Stage II: Psychological tests are conducted on Day 2 and the Group Tests and Interview would commence after the document check for the next five days.
Flying Branch: Computerised Pilot Selection System (CPSS) would be conducted for recommended candidates who are eligible and have opted for Flying Branch.
After AFSB recommendations successful candidates has to undergo Medical examination
- Recommended candidates for the Flying Branch will be required to proceed for medical examination for duration of four to seven days to Air Force Central Medical Establishment, New Delhi or Institute of Aerospace Medicine, Bangalore.
- It may be noted that the Air Force Medical Board/ Services Medical Board is the final authority while deciding the medical fitness for joining the Indian Air Force/ Army/ Navy.
Final Merit List
Final merit list is prepared from amongst the candidates who secure the minimum qualifying marks separately in written exam and AFSB test. All candidates are placed in the order of merit on the basis of total marks secured in written exam and AFSB test.
Indian Men and Women applying for the examination should ensure that to be part of this elite force requires an excellence and high quality perseverance towards your physical and mental well do.
As an Officer, a warrior, in the Air Force, you’re tasked with upholding the constitution and protecting India’s freedom. Robust, renowned, tough, powerful, Indian Air Force has the distinction of producing an officer in the world with a highly technical and specialized fighting force that safeguards our skies against enemy invasions. All the Best!