SRNTH 2019-20 Scholarship Exam Model Test Paper for 11th class

SRNTH 2019-20 Scholarship Exam Model Test Paper for 11th class
28-September 2019 1 Comment(s) 2.00

SRNTH 2019-20 Scholarship Exam Class XI Test Details

Shishir Rameshwar National Talent Hunt (SRNTH) 2019 is a bang- on opportune moment to gain amplitude of benefits. The all India level talent hunt not only bestows monetary aid to deserving candidates for taking their career forward in Defence but also renders a platform to explore your knowledge and individual skills.

This scheme is a joint work of Centurion Education Pvt. Ltd. and Defence Guru. Since it’s not a commercial program rather a social endeavor hence we cater to the basic needs of our applicants from guide to mock tests to ease of examination centre.

Herein I unleash class XI SRNTH syllabus and test paper pattern so glance below carefully:

  • The subjects included in the entrance syllabus are: English, Elementary Maths, Mental Aptitude, and G.K.
  • The syllabus is as follows:


    Sequence & series

    Linear & quadratic inequalities

    Quadratic equation

    Complex numbers

    Trigonometric functions

    Straight lines




Spotting error



Fill in the blanks



Idiom & phrases




Current affairs

General knowledge





Odd one out


Coding & decoding

Pattern completion

Venn diagram

Blood relation

Missing figure


SRNTH Test Details

  • Number of questions will be 100.
  • Each question is of 4 mark hence 400 marks test paper.
  • There will be no negative marking.
  • Test will be bilingual, that is, in English and Hindi as well.
  • The pattern is objective, based on MCQs not descriptive.
  • Each question comes with 4 options and you can select only one.

If that is not easy what else is?  Neither is this a board exam nor an IIT entrance, this is just an assessment of your basic skills to be competent enough for Indian Armed Forces so shed off fear and showcase your talent to everyone.

To see a sample of test paper or clarify any doubt log in to or