SRT Questions for upcoming CDS-1 2023 SSB Interview

SRT Questions for upcoming CDS-1 2023 SSB Interview
03-June 2023

The Situation Reaction Test (SRT) is one of the psychological tests conducted during the selection process for the Services Selection Board (SSB) in India. The purpose of the SRT is to assess a candidate's ability to analyze a given situation and respond appropriately. During the SRT, you will be presented with a booklet containing 60 situations or scenarios. Your task is to write down the most suitable and practical response or action. In SRT, you are given 30 minutes to write responses for a total of 60 SRT questions. It means you will get 30 seconds to write a response on average. Practice and familiarity with various scenarios can help you become more comfortable and improve your speed and accuracy in responding to the SRT.


                         Sample SRT Questions and Answers for CDS-1 2023 SSB Interview

                         SRT Question

                               SRT Answer

He has to go to a city with cash for work but the way is dangerous because of dacoits. He...

He deposits money in the bank and withdraws money in the city from an ATM.

He was traveling by train & suddenly a person snatches a purse from a lady & jumps out of the train. He...

Immediately pull the emergency chain, collect 3-4 people, chase the thief, catch the thief, hand over the thief to police, and purse to the lady.

He was driving the bike without a helmet and the traffic police caught

him. He...

Paid the fine, and started wearing a helmet.

He was in charge of the wireless board in a sailing ship that lost its

communication with the coast. He…

Informed about the problem, repaired the communication system, and continued on the course.

He went for a picnic with his friends and on the way he had hot

arguments with them. He...

Calmed down himself and his friends and started enjoying the picnic.

There is a person who sells smuggled goods. He too, like many

others has purchased a wristwatch from him. But it doesn't work. He...

Informs the police about the smuggler and gets him arrested.

He finds his hostel roommate not very friendly with him. He...

Talks to him politely and settles the differences.

During a trekking trip, he was left alone in the jungle. He...

Lit a fire to give a smoke signal.

He was weak in his studies and knew that he could not do well in his education. He...

Took help from teachers and friends, continued studying hard, and became well in my studies.

He was playing outdoors and his brother got seriously injured and it started to rain heavily. He...

immediately applied first aid, and took him to the hospital in a car.

He had exams the next day & the road to his school was flooded with

continuous rain for the last two days. He…

Called his school to check if the school was open or not.

His friend was always quarreling with him and the papers were near. He...

Discussed the problem with his friend, settled differences, and asked him to focus on the exam.

His boss gives him a piece of work and orders him to follow his instructions to complete the work, but the work is difficult to finish within time. He...

Took help from colleagues and completed the project before time.

Your final exam is today but you heard from your neighbor that riots have started in the city. You…

Confirmed about the news from authentic sources to know the reality.

You notice on social media that some miscreants have posted your objectionable pictures. You…

Complaint to cyber police about the incident and asked them to delete these pictures from the internet.

You are preparing for an exam but despite so many efforts you are not able to pass the exam. You…

Consulted teachers and seniors, worked on mistakes, and passed the exam.

Your family’s financial condition is weak and you have been removed from your job. You…

Found a new job, worked hard, got a promotion, and improved the financial condition of the family.

You and your girlfriend are sitting in a park. Some Miscreants come and start teasing your girlfriend. You…

Left the place and complained to the police about the incident.

He was the captain of his cricket team. The opposite team started cheating and making nuisances. He…

Asked the umpire to take note of the incident and take action against them.

He was busy doing some important office work. But his friend needed him immediately. He…

Went to help the friend and did overtime in the office to complete the work.


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