
02-January 2018 2.00

Dear Students,

The strategy to qualify any competittive exam is to understand it well. An aspirant should be aware of it's basic selection criteria i.e. eligibility, standards of medical fitness. It is said that the career we decide for ourselves should be SMART. 





T=Time Bound 

If we keep changing our aim of life, there will be no consistency. Concentration is required for a successfull career development but if there is no point to give attention, we shall land up nowhere. One should be full focused on the decided aim. Being focused on an specific aim of life, one understands its requirements and one prepares for it accordingly. There may be some obstacles found while pursuing that specific aim but constant efforts make those obstacles invisible from the path and it gets cleaned with your acclivity of efforts. It is observed that sometimes students change their goal because they find some facination of facilities or luxaries from some other careers. Here one should understand that if we ourselves are not satisfied with our own decided goal, how shall we make other satisfied with our efforts for that goal. 

If the decided aim is measurable, it is quite easy to achieve it. Measurable means it should be within the limits of that aspirant. If the decided aim is out of bounds, there are chances to loose it. While choosing a career, a student should do introspection whether it is really achievable from his efforts or not. Introspection makes one understand clearly what is he and how much calibre he has got to prove himself. Self analysis is more important than other's comments. Although various people start encouraging or discouranging for the career but one should decide and see the measurement as per his own analysis.