10 PP&DT Pictures for Upcoming NDA-2 2023 SSB Interview

10 PP&DT Pictures for Upcoming NDA-2 2023 SSB Interview
09-September 2023........... 1 Comment(s)

PP&DT or Picture Perception is one of the most important tests conducted of the SSB Interview. This is one of the tests that will decide whether you are going to stay for the next day or not. This test is important is also very important because it involves both story writing and narration. So, preparation for this test is very crucial as you will be part of a group discussion also. Considering the Importance of PPDT, we are providing you with 10 PP&DT Pictures for the Upcoming NDA-2 2023 SSB Interview. Stories and Titles have been added in these PP&DT Pictures so that students can learn from these PP&DT Pictures and learn for upcoming SSB Interview.





  • Through number, for example 32 or 25


  • Male- M
  • Female- F
  • If not identifiable- O


  • Positive- ‘+’
  • Negative- ‘-’
  • Neutral- ‘0’


10 PP&DT Pictures for Upcoming NDA-2 2023 SSB Interview

PPDT Picture-1

Title- Working Hard to Get Admission to Top Engineering College


Story- Akash is 18-year-old student of the 12th class in St. Francis Inter College. He aways wanted to join IIT for pursue his undergraduate degree is aerospace engineering. For this purpose, he started working during his preparation of board exam only. To prepare for the Joint Entrance Exam for IIT, he decided to do self-study only as the financial condition of his family was not well. To start his self-study, he downloaded the syllabus and the previous year's question papers of JEE. He allocated extra time to his JEE preparation and took from his school teachers when he faced any problems. Slowly he covered the entire syllabus of the JEE exam and after covering the syllabus, he solved different types of questions of from all topics. On the day of the exam, he maintained his calm and solved most of the questions. Finally, he was selected for an aerospace engineering course at IIT-Bombay which was his dream institute. He took his entire family to show his name of the selection list of students who were selected for aerospace engineering at IIT-B. His family felt proud of him after seeing his name on the selection list.

PPDT Picture-2

Title- Starting Fishing to Overcome Job Loss


Story- Ramesh is a tv mechanic living in a coastal town of Kerala. During lockdown, he lost his job as the shop in which he was working was closed down by its owner. His family started suffering as Ramesh was jobless. One day, he decided that he would not let his family suffer, and thought about fishing as he was the son of a fisherman so he knew fishing very well. He bought a small boat and fishing nets through his saved money and. He started catching small quantities of fish in the beginning but he continued to do hard work. In the end, he became very skilled in fishing and started catching more crops. After catching and selling more and more crops, the financial condition of his family improved, and started living a normal life again.

PPDT Picture-3

Title- Integrating Lost Child with her Family


Story- Shyam is a 36-year-old engineer working in a local company. One day when he was returning from his job, he noticed that a girl was standing on a bridge and sobbing. Shyam went to that girl and asked why she was crying. The girl told him that she along with her family was going to a local fair, but somehow she was lost. Shyam decided to integrate the girl with her family. He along with the girl went to the control room of the local fair and announced on the loudspeaker. The parents of the girl were already waiting for the girl in the control room. Once they heard about their daughter, they immediately went to the control room and met their daughter. The parents of the girls thanked Shyam for the help rendered by Shyam in integrating their daughter to




PPDT Picture-4

Title- Helping Child Labourers to Start Education


Story-  Akash is a graduate student in bachelor of law studying at Ram Manohar Lohia Law Institute. One day, when he was taking tea at a local tea shop. He saw two child laborers working as manual laborers. He came to those children and asked them why they were working as child labor. The two children told him that his parents were ill and to support their family, they had to work as manual laborers. Akash felt very bad after knowing their conditions. He decided to help those child laborers. He wrote a letter to District Magistrate and Child Care NGOs and requested they arrange education for those children. He also requested the District Magistrate to arrange medical care for the parents of the Children and some pension. In this way, the condition of the family improved and the two children started going to school.

PPDT Picture-5

Title- Completing Research Project on Dog’s Sniffing Power


Story- Reema was working as a veterinary researcher in Delhi. She was inspired by the idea of a dog screening model in the UK. She along with a team of 8 researchers decided to propose the idea of using a sniffer dog in India for screening of corona. She along with others worked on this and finally complied reports and proposed to higher authority. After permission they started working Initially she divided the group into two sub groups one worked to enhance sniffing power and the other observed their performance. She along with two others with proper PPE kits and precautions moved toward the hospital with special dogs They took them toward Corona patients they also asked for patients' clothes and tried to fix the odor in dogs' minds. Later another team took them to artificial screening and analysed their performance. They found that their efficiency increases with time and they detected patients easily. Finally, they were approved by higher authority.

PPDT Picture-6

Title- Working to Increase Profit of the Company


Story- Ravi was appointed as the new Production engineer of a company. At the time of his appointment, the company's market performance was not up to the mark. So he started finding out the improvements that could be made in his department to boost the company's name. He found out that automation of production lines reduced the time of production and increased quality. His idea was adopted in the company, and within a short span of time, it returned to its profit track.

PPDT Picture-7

Title- Completing a Railway Project in Time


Story- Ravi is a railway track construction engineer. One day he undertook the construction of a railway track from Bareli to Merut. He made a plan to construct a track of 100km in 6 months. He hired many workers and distributed work between them. He also set a work limit for each day which he was able to achieve. He also maintained a good relationship with his workers and sometimes he became a part of them by helping them. Thus he was able to complete the project in time.


PPDT Picture-8

Title- Getting 1st Rank in Inter Battalion Marathon Championship


Story- Jatin is a policeman in the 34th battalion of UP Police. Recently, UP Police announced there will be an inter-battalion marathon championship. Jatin being the best marathon runner was asked by his battalion commander to represent the battalion in the marathon championship. To improve his physical fitness for the marathon, Jatin started following a strict physical routine. He improved his diet so that his performance could be further improved. He continued to improve his performance under the guidance of his coach. He worked on the mistakes pointed out by his coach. Ultimately on the day of the marathon, he gave out his best performance and got the 1st prize in the inter-batallion marathon championship. Jatin was felicitated by his battalion commander for his good performance.

PPDT Picture-9

Title- Taking Kids to Local Fair


Story- Suresh is a 35-year-old farmer in Fatehpur, Rajasthan. His wife is a homemaker and he has two sons who are studying in the Shanti Niketan school. It was the month of October when preparation for the Diwali was going on and in a nearby village, there was  Hat Mela held and both kids wanted to see the mela but their father didn't give them permission by missing school and taking them with him for the school. On the way, the father tells them to study properly and promises them to take to Hat Mela after school and will buy new things for them their choice. By hearing this they both are very happy and have a smile while going to school.

PPDT Picture-10

Title- Organising a Feast for Villagers


Story- Sandeep passed his 12th class from Shanti Niketan, Rajasthan  with good marks and his mother made a wish for a langar for him. They invited all the nearby townspeople and the next morning visited Salasar Dham after returning back they offered prayers to god at the house and started the langar for all the people. Sandeep was offering food to all and was very happy by doing this and everybody there gave him blessings for his future some poor people thanked him for the food served to them and everything happened so well that he was filled with zeal by bringing the smile on others face.

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  1. Pic of ../DF/Admin/pages/SubPics/profile.png
    20-June 2024Reply
    sir these stories are to short and not satisfied make some more relevant and improve some level . i think either you can update this or delete this . i am totally against this kind of story . such a poor performance at the high level of competition . please update it . thanks

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