50 SSB SRT (Situation Reaction Test) Questions

50 SSB SRT (Situation Reaction Test) Questions
09-December 2022...........

50 SSB SRT Questions For Practice


Situation Reaction Test (SRT) at SSB Interview

Situation Reaction Test( SRT) at SSB Interview forms part of the psychological test, which is conducted on the alternate day of the SSB Interview. The other 3 tests under the battery of Psychological tests at the SSB Interview are



In this composition, we will concentrate on Situation Reaction Test( SRT) at SSB Interview, as it's one of the main tests at the SSB Interview. There are certain aspects of SRT that every candidate must know before appearing for an SSB Interview. So, let’s know the tips which will help in giving your best in Situation Reaction Test( SRT) at SSB Interview.

A situation Reaction Test or SRT is a specifically designed psychological test designated to test your responses to these day-to-day situations. Your responses show your personality and give a genuine picture of your conscious and subconscious mind. The main aim Situation Reaction Test( SRT) an SSB Interview is to estimate those by virtue of which the aspirants are suitable to break the situational problem of day-to-day life.


What's the procedure of the Situation Reaction Test (SRT)?

The aspirant is given a folder containing 60 real-life situations which you have to answer in 30 minutes. This time limit has been designedly docked to insure that the aspirant doesn’t have important time to suppose over the situation and gives the first reaction which comes to his mind.

SSB aspirant is asked to give his reactions to all 60 situations in 30 minutes. still, if the aspirant doesn't understand any particular situation, they may leave that particular situation and do the coming situation without wasting any time.

 An SSB aspirant is needed to write only 2 or 3 lines in response to each situation. So, a speedy response within the specified time limit is veritably important. The aspirants should avoid detailing the conduct keeping the response detailed and up to the point.


50 Sample Situation Reaction Test Questions


1- One day while traveling on a train, you observed that a few students were pulling the chain just to get down at their desired station. You would :

2- One day you get to know that your sister’s marriage is fixed but she is not happy as the person whom she is marrying is not of her choice. You will…

3- You have lost your way in the jungle. You will…

4- You are going to attend an important meeting and you are already getting late. Suddenly the road is blocked due to a traffic jam. You will…

5- You are very happy with your life partner, but there is someone else you fancy and the attention is mutual. You will…

6- You and your neighborhood friend are playing in the garden area and your friend was bitten by a snake.

7- From the behavior of your younger brother, you think that he might have some bad friends. You will…

8- You are the newly appointed captain of a small ship and on the trail, you lose your communication with the coast and it’s about to lose whole steadiness because of the failure of the communication device. You will…

9- He has to go to the final round of interviews and the whole city is shut down without transportation as a big leader dies. You will…

10- You received conflicting orders from your two superior officers. You will…..

11- Your friends came to borrow the book from which you were preparing for the next morning’s paper. You will…

12- You proposed to invite a political leader to preside over the annual day celebration but others are against it. You will…

13- Your father had a dispute with your uncle on landed property. You will….

14- Your two school-going children frequently missed classes. You will.

15- You were going to the market and he noticed a car and a tonga collide with each other. You will.

16- You and your friends are boating and suddenly, the boat started to mishap and you are the only person to know about swimming and the other two don’t know. You will…

17- You advise your roommate to study on a regular basis, but one day before the exam he comes to you with loads of doubts and you were on your serious revision. You will.

18- While traveling by train you went to the toilet. On your return to your seat, you found your baggage missing. You will…

19- An epidemic spread in the village due to poor hygiene conditions. You will…

20- While you were discussing your viewpoints others were not listening to you carefully. You will…

21- A fellow passenger fell from a running train. You will…

22- He saw his girlfriend walking with another person on his way. He…?

23- He was walking in a dark street with his girlfriend and suddenly 10 armed people came & started harassing his girlfriend, the next police station was 10km away. He..?

24- He sees a snake moving near to the bed where his younger brother is sleeping. He…?

25- As cricket match was on, a fight suddenly started between the sympathizers of the rival team. As the captain he….?

26-  He is going to attend an important meeting and he is already getting late. Suddenly the road is blocked due to traffic jam. He…

27- You have to go for patrolling duty in field. Your driver is having high fever. He…

28- You as a player of football team required to play the match. Suddenly, on the day of match you have high fever. But your team captain does not allow you to leave the game. He…

29-  You are required to go for patrolling at higher in high altitude area. You do not have coat parka. He…

30-. While returning to home after watching cinema at mid-night, you found two persons quarreling on the way. He…

31- You are required to dig trenches, but your colleagues are not co-operating with you. He…

32- While working in the kitchen garden, rain starts. He…

33- He is assigned a difficult task which he has not done earlier. He…

34- As a secretary of Student Union of his college. He will do the following…

35-  Which returning from market, three persons with knife stop him and ask him to handover his valuable possessions. He…

36- While patrolling at unit man gate, a terrorist fired at his leg and bleeding started badly and he is snatching his rifle. He…

37- He finds an old lady falling due to jerk in a train compartment. He……..

38- He was suffering from high fever on the day of examination. He…….

39- While playing football final match he hurt his knee. He…….

40- While participating in the group discussion, he found that the some members are not co-operating. He…..

41-  He found a wallet with money lying on the road. He……

42- He was driving home when it suddenly began to rain intensely? He…

43- Your brother wants to get admission to a medical college, but his marks fall short by 1% for admission. He..

44-  He was travelling by train & suddenly a person snatches purse from a lady & jumps out of the train. He..

45- He had boarded the wrong train and came to know only when he was asked to pay money to TT.

46- You got lottery of Rs 1, 00,000. How would you utilize the money?

47- The house opposite yours in the street has caught fire. What you would do?

48- You are standing in a queue to purchase a cinema ticket. A tall and well build person comes and stands before you breaking the queue. What would you do?

49- You are going on a hiking trip with your friends. List the three most important things you would like to carry with you?

50- A friend of yours, whom you trusted a lot, has betrayed you. You would…



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