Tips To Perform Well in SSB GTO Round

Tips To Perform Well in SSB GTO Round
18-January 2020 2.00


SSB is a wholesome set of various tasks ranging from psychology to verbal, non- verbal, group and physical challenges. GTO is one of them and is highly interesting so let’s get to know some tips of performing well in this particular round.

GTO is a group- based session wherein a candidate’s team spirit, co- ordination and patience are tested. The various tasks in GTO are: GD, GPE, PGT, HGT, FGT, Snake race, lecturette, individual obstacle and command task.


Here are essential tips to perform well in GTO:

  • ✔️ Listen to the instructor carefully. It is extremely important to have a clear understanding of the instructions before commencing with the task so when the Officer is explaining any task, listen to him attentively and clarify your doubts, if you have any.
  • ✔️ Lay a good impression by giving a good introduction. Simply tell your name, current course of study/ job, hobby, and parent’s profession.
  • ✔️ Have a beforehand preparation by indulging into physical exercises to develop some physical stamina for physical tasks.
  • ✔️ Update your knowledge by following current affairs.
  • ✔️ Develop team spirit within yourself. Engage more in social activities so as to become tolerant and have good co- ordination skills.
  • ✔️ Create a comfortable environment for the group members and encourage them to participate further.
  • ✔️ Try to be the first to begin a particular round such as Group Discussion or a physical task.
  • ✔️ Contribute as much as you can to your group. Even if you do not have a major role, at least give suggestions and keep encouraging your fellow mates.
  • ✔️ Improve your communication skills and give ear to all group members. Give respect to them.
  • ✔️ Make collective decision by giving consideration to other member’s viewpoint as well.
  • ✔️ Take every suggestion as a mark of creative mind and innovation instead of labeling it as dumb.
  • ✔️ Most importantly, do not be aggressive nor loose your temper. There will be situations when your patience will be tested in the group. Your task is to stay calm.
  • ✔️ Showcase your leadership qualities by being physically and mentally active.


Add to the above, here are some tips in context to individual tasks of GTO:

  • ✔️ In Group Discussion (GD) try not to create a fish market. Support your arguments with facts and do not shout. Be audible, confident and invite others to speak as well.
  • ✔️ In Lecturette round give short and knowledgeable speech; be fluent and be confident.
  • ✔️ In Progressive Group Task (PGT) try to be the first to go to the line and begin the task. Be quick and work smartly while motivating your group members to participate as well.
  • ✔️ In Snake race take care of not keeping the snake down until the task is completed. Do not touch the prohibited portions which will be marked red. Once you cross the obstacle, wait for others also and stay united.
  • ✔️ Half Group Task (HGT) is quite similar to PGT. Simply be active, play smartly and develop complete co- ordination with other members.
  • ✔️ In Individual Tasks you will have to prove your stamina, your physical strength and intellectual approach to tackle the given round. It’s all about individual performance.
  • ✔️ In Command Task, as the name goes, you are supposed to give command. Take special care of not being harsh to your subordinates while giving them instructions and hence show a kind cum intelligent, leading personality.
  • ✔️ Final Group Task (FGT) is the last round of GTO which is a kind of repetition of previous tasks. It is quite lengthy as the time duration is more than allotted in other rounds so be patient and be positive.

Hope the above tips help you out in a clearer understanding of GTO and assist you perform impressively.